Years ago (I won’t say how many), Bill Cosby did a hilarious routine where he imagined himself as Noah being commanded by God to prepare for The Flood.  God says, “Noah.”  Noah says, “Yea?” God says, “Build an ark.”  Noah says, “Rrriigght…..what’s an ark?”  Well, today I found out, although mine is spelled differently.  The ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) of my novel arrived today and I’m completely over the moon.  To think that just a few months ago I thought an ark was a big wooden ship!  This is a lot better.  Of course, this means that there will be readers out there reading these advanced copies, but I think I’ll choose not to dwell on that.  Just like Noah ignoring The Flood, I best ignore the possibility of lukewarm (obviously, not bad) reviews and just focus on the ar(k)(c) as being the great big vehicle towards my future.

Now, just don’t ask me what a “cubit” is…..
PS  Did I mention how lovely they are?  I got fabulous little postcards too!!