What You Can't Write About

All writers feel the need to be able to write about the entire gamut of emotions, everything that we plop into that pile we call “the human condition.” Of course, that makes sense. Regardless of genre, form or theme, everything we write does boil down to...

Preparing the Next Tour

In one month from now, I’ll be back in Cambodia. Need I tell you how excited I am? This trip will be different from last year’s trip, though. Last year I was in full-on promotion mode, doing as many interviews, readings and signings as I could manage. I...

How to Read Poetry Aloud

Here’s a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while. How do you effectively read poetry aloud? This is something I do rather often these days, either at my own readings where I will go on for up to 45 minutes, or at open mics where 1 poem might take me...

A Birthday

This is a very personal, though short, post, so if you’re not into that sort of thing, look away now…..But it must be noted that my baby, my youngest child, turns 21 tomorrow. Astonishing, in so many ways. He’s astonishing, in so many ways (as is his...

Dealing with the Cold

It’s as cold in London as I can remember, and I’ve lived here now for well over twenty years. This is the sort of cold I remember from New England in the ’80’s.  The sort of cold you’re happy to have at a ski resort, but not necessarily...