New Years Lists

One of my favourite parts of New Years when I was a kid was the seemingly never-ending supply of lists.  Every newspaper had its own “Best of” list.  Each tv station ran its “Year End Show of Favourites.”  And, of course, every person I knew...

Happy Holidays

I’ll be signing off for a few days, but I want to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a peaceful and fulfilling New Year.  But just to be a bit different too, here’s a couple of my favourite holiday songs.  Love to you all..

Secondary Colours

Anyone who has ever been in hospital knows that it’s the secondary stuff that gets you.  I have a dear friend who is presently battling leukemia, and with everything he is going through, it’s a terrible case of dry eye that is causing him the most...

Back Home

Hi everyone!  I’m back.  First, I want to thank everyone for all your kind wishes, good karma, lovely thoughts. It helped tremendously.  I’m happy to say that all the scary possibilities came to nought, and although I’m left with a lovely, large scar...

Planning Permission and the Meaning of Heroism

A friend of mine sent me an amazing article which first appeared in Forbes. It describes an American banker’s ordeal of being trapped in The Taj Hotel during the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Please do read it here.  You won’t regret the three minutes.Out for a...