The Sound of Poetry

After my two week adventure, I spent the weekend catching up on all the things one usually catches up on after a holiday.  But there was one special addition this time.  A wonderful poet (and fellow bluechrome author), Nigel McLoughlin, has posted a recording of a...

And now back in the Old World

From the College Tour to Florence.  Yes, I know how lucky I am.  And since I actually figured out how to take photos with my phone and then bluetooth them onto my computer, I thought I’d share a few with you….First, Brunelleschi’s Dome in...

Back in Time in the New World

There is a ritual that has evolved in America among families with teenagers.  At this time of year, hovering around the arrival of Spring, thousands of families pour onto the highways and backroads of America in search of “the right college” for their kid....

Meet the Author

Today I really am going to sit down and write the article that’s due.  But first……. How can I not tell you about me being on “Meet the Author”?  It’s terrifying and exciting and embarrassing and scary and invigorating and….I...

Notes from the Front

I should be writing an article for The New Writer, but instead I’m doing this.  So please understand the business-like approach, but I do want to tell all: I.  A new collection of short stories was launched this week called Words from a Glass Bubble.  I met the...